
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Days of the Week Craft -

My husband and I just recently launched Play Along With Us, a brand new YouTube channel for kids that's fun, funny, educational and doesn't suck. 

Have you even SEEN the crap out there that people poop out and slap the label "KIDS" on it? It's embarrassing - and sometimes flat out insulting!
So we're aiming to change that. 

Check out

So far we have launched a few videos, ranging from the Abc's to Old MacDonald's Farm. Another Play Along video's focus is learning the Days of the Week. That's a concept I have struggled with teaching (and maybe I tried to avoid it and hoped that she would just learn it on her own). There's a small handful of decent songs or activities I found on Pinterest that you can try to use to help teach them the correct sequence of days. Really though, other than pointing to a calendar and chanting the days of the week, there's not a lot of options. 

Enter Play Along

Palmer came up with a catchy song and ridiculous scenario on the YouTube video to visually show the days of the week in their appropriate sequence. 

We also came up with a corresponding craft of our own that incorporates color matching, word recognition and fine motor skills. 
(Oh, boy that sounds so official!)

And, the beautiful thing is this is all you need!
2 copies of a color swatch, 7 clothespins, a sharpie, glue and scissors
I grabbed 2 copies of swatches from 5 different colors because making the Week Chart different colored was appealing to me but you can make it a little easier on yourself and just do one color palate! 

If you're making them colorful: Choose which color you would like to start with. I chose blue so the first square (Sunday) is blue. Next I cut out a green square and glued it onto the second square (Monday) of the blue swatch. Then I cut out a red square and glued it onto the third square (Tuesday). Continue cutting and gluing squares to your heart's content. 

If you're sticking to one color palate: look at how beautiful the colors are and skip all of the aforementioned work.

Then take your second copy of the color swatches and cut out a sample of the matching color squares you previously cut and glued. Glue these samples to the clothespins. 

Finally, write on each clothespin the day of the week that matches the color sample on the clothespin and the color square. (Beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday.)

I emphasized the beginning of the names of the days because they are often shortened and labeled that way but that part is totally up to you!

Once the glue is dry, match them up! See how many different games you can make with it! 


Thursday, May 15, 2014

In this post I talk a lot about Boo-Bees.

Don't look at all of my tabs - I'm working on a project so just don't talk about it.

What do you notice here, besides a lot of boobs? 

I've been desperate for a new bra. When I say desperate, I mean the last bra I bought was when I was nursing and in a C cup and I'm wearing old B cups that don't fit because when I stopped nursing I shrunk to an A cup but bra shopping sucks bollucks so I just work with what I have (or don't have). That's what bra desperation looks like.

So, I saw a sponsored ad on Facebook for something that sounded a little bit like Stitch Fix for bras. 
Perfect. Someone else pick my bras out and mail them to me - that is where my life is at right now.

So I start perusing the bras and opening up the ones I like in new tabs (here, there is where my internet tab problem happens but we're not talking about that). At some point I realize that some of the styles I like aren't available in baby sizes. Baby sizes being an A cup or training bra which is what post baby body looks like sometimes.

I filter the search to my size and my selection is narrowed from "155 styles found" to "15 styles found". Wow. Ok, on the bright side, I don't have to spend too much time making a decision. Out of 15 I think I can find one I like. 

I don't like super padded bras, personally. I feel like I'm 10 with water balloons in my shirt. That being said, what did I notice about EVERY SINGLE OPTION for me?
In the title of each bra is "Push Up" (ok, fine) & "Add 2 Cups". 
WHAT?! I didn't click the "Porno-fy My Boobs" filter option. I checked. 

I just recently learned to not despise my boobs. I really took so much joy in the average sized bosom I had in the latter part of the breastfeeding time. And when I stopped nursing they became a total joke to me - I mean, they were bite size boobies after all - quite laughable. 

I tried to do that whole "lead by example" thing for my girls and worked to embrace my body. I still am, but things like this make that hard sometimes. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing the site (I don't know enough to do that), I'm not dissing small boobs, not dissing large boobs. No boobs are under fire. I just needed to take a minute to point out that things like this happen on the regular which makes women feeling good about themselves harder to find. It makes women loving themselves harder to do. It makes women embracing themselves a less prominent voice.

It makes the game of comparison harder to ignore.

Now I will close that tab, think about how I will acquire a bra within the next year and play Go Fish with my pleading 4 year old.