
Monday, February 10, 2014

DIY Glow Stick Arrow Valentine - Free Printable!

I'm most definitely not anti sugar but my goodness do kids get overloaded with it. It's Valentine's day and Bella's treat jar still has Halloween candy in it.
And I can't be the only one.

So here's how we made our class Valentine's minus the diabetes and hopefully they're just as enjoyable!

First, we bought a few packages of 7 small glow bracelets from the dollar store. Then I put some clip art on a page that I could print and cut out. Once we cut out the arrows we snipped the paper right below the point of the arrow and inserted the glow stick through the incision and secured it with tape. I added a cutesy little pun, she signed her name and ta-da - a Valentine!

If you'd like, feel free to print out my template. Or create your own!

Just save and print!

Happy Valentine's Day! 

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